Rev. C. William Flietstra, 1975-1984
A call was extended to Rev. C. William Flietstra. He came to us in December, 1975. During his ministry the parsonage was dismantled, and a new parsonage was constructed by Baas Construction Company of Hancock, beginning in May 1980, at an approximate cost of $50,000.
The congregation gathered for a special ceremony for the burning of the church mortgage on October 22, 1982. It was a time of sharing memories and past reflections.
The evening began with a potluck supper. Following remarks by Rev. Flietstra and congratulatory remarks by Reverend Richard Salge, pastor of Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church and a representative of the Hancock Ministerial Association, the burning ceremony took place with the congregation responding with "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow." Rev. Flietstra closed the ceremony with personal remarks and prayer.
In May, 1984, Rev. Flietstra retired and moved to Pella, Iowa, where he became assistant pastor at First Pella Christian Reformed Church.
In the summer of 1984, Seminarian Tim Koster served our congregation. That same summer a call was extended to Candidate Joseph VandenAkker and he accepted the call to become our pastor.