February 16, 2025
Welcome to worship at Hancock CRC! Today is a day in which we worship the Lord, hear from His Word, and fellowship with His saints. After the service, please join us downstairs for refreshments and fellowship!
GREETING: John-D and Tiffany Muller
Next Sunday: Don and Carol Boon
REFRESHMENTS: John-D and Tiffany Muller
Next Sunday: Don and Carol Boon
USHER: Vern Christie
Next Sunday: Cory Evink
NURSERY: Glenna Ver Steeg
Next Sunday: Brooke Ver Steeg
Today, Sunday, February 16, 10:00 A.M.:
Pastor David will lead the service. Vern and Bernice Christie will lead Praise Time. The special offering will be for the Future Building Fund.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday School (Preschool-1st Grade 2nd-5th Grade)
11:15 A.M.: Catechism (6th-8th Grade 9th-12th Grade)
6:00 P.M.:
Sunday Evening Bible Study. We will be studying Lesson 58: The Church in Europe.
Wednesday, February 19, 6:30-7:00 A.M.:
Weekly prayer meeting at church. All are welcome to join us in prayer!
3:15-5:00 P.M.:
Kid Connection will meet. Our lesson will be “Shipwreck!” from Acts 27. Yvonne Krupke has signed up for snack.
7:00 P.M.: Youth Group will meet.
7:00 P.M.:
Young Women’s Bible Study will meet in the parsonage basement.
Saturday, February 22, 10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.:
Game Day at church. This will be a time of fellowship. Please bring games to play and snacks to eat. Lunch will be provided. Come and go as you please.
Next Sunday, February 23, 10:00 A.M.:
Pastor David will lead the service. Trinity Meinders will make profession of faith. The special offering will be for the SCMC Courage Cottage.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday School (Preschool-1st Grade 2nd-5th Grade)
11:15 A.M.: Catechism (6th-8th Grade 9th-12th Grade)
6:00 P.M.:
Sunday Evening Bible Study. We will be studying Lesson 59: Abraham Kuyper.
Brady Luthi has been having some issues with his kidneys recently. After having some tests done, there is no damage to his kidneys, but they have not been functioning well, and so he had a biopsy done this past week to figure things out. Please pray that God would provide answers, and walk with Randy, Johnnita, and Brady during this time.
Harlan Asche, related to many in our congregation, passed away last week Sunday. Please pray for God’s comfort and peace to be upon his wife Jane, and the whole family.
Please continue to pray for Jim Lonneman, Dak Foss, Dave Evink, Ericka Bolluyt, the Boon Family, the elderly, those with ongoing health issues, and those grieving the loss of loved ones.
February 19: Rose Barthel, Janelle Daberkow
February 20: Preston Feucht, Payton Feuct
February 21: Brian Bolluyt
Upcoming Special Offerings:
March 2 – Church Education
March 9 – Denominational Ministry Shares
March 16 – Maintenance and Repair
March 23 – Benevolent Fund March 30 – Lakeside Cemetary
Schedule for February/March 2025
Monday, February 24, 6:30 P.M.:
Music Committee will meet.
Monday-Tuesday, March 3-4:
Classis Lake Superior Meeting at Bethel CRC in Princeton.
Thursday, March 6, 10:00 A.M.:
Ladies’ Bible Study. We will be studying Lesson 5: The Dishonest Manager, from Luke 16:1-15.
Monday, March 10, 7:00 P.M.:
Worship Committee will meet.
Tuesday, March 11, 7:00 P.M.:
Council will meet. Benjy Ver Steeg will serve refreshments.
Wednesday, March 12, 7:00 P.M.:
Annual Prayer Day Service.
Friday, March 28:
Annual Church Auction. Please contact Emilee Evink or Jenny Ver Steeg if you are willing to help out in any way.
Council Highlights
1. The February Council meeting was held on February 11, 2025.
2. Pastor David gave a report on his work and visits. Council asks that you keep Pastor David and his family in your prayers.
3. The Treasurer’s Report for January was reviewed and approved.
4. Building and Grounds noted that our custodian will be on vacation the last week of February. We are looking for a volunteer to clean the church building that week. If you are interested, please talk to Gary Joos.
5. The Fellowship Committee report was reviewed.
6. Trinity Meinders came before Council to express her desire to become a member of Hancock CRC. She will profess her faith publicly at a worship service in the future.
7. Pastor David led the elders and deacons in office-bearer training, regarding the Responsibilities and Duties of both elders and deacons.
8. Council approved the request of Marlin and Evelyn Baas to transfer their membership to Alexandria Covenant Church.
9. Council prepared the credentials for the upcoming Classis meeting at Bethel CRC in Princeton.
10. The next Council meeting will be held on March 11, 2025.
Valentine’s Supper:
Everyone is invited—married and singles alike—to a Valentine’s Supper at Buddies on February 17, at 6:00pm.
Please sign up in the narthex today if you are interested! Council is now accepting bids for mowing and trimming the parsonage and back church lawn weekly (or as needed), and mowing the ball field as needed. Please talk to Gary Joos for further details if interested.
Have you been heard? Our congregation has a once-in-five-year opportunity to participate in the 2025 CRC denominational survey. This survey helps denominational leadership understand the concerns and needs of local congregations like ours. It is crucial that as many people from our congregation as possible participate. Please visit crcna.org/survey/6340 to answer the survey questions by March 31.
Mid-America Reformed Seminary invites you to participate in a four-part evening class led by Dr. J. Mark Beach, Learning to Believe through Samson: Finding Divine Strength in an Age of Spiritual Weaklings. Together, we’ll explore Judges 13-16, examining how Samson’s story reflects our Christian walk, the challenges the Church faces, and Christ as our source of strength. Register today at www.midamerica.edu When: Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20, and 27, at 7:30 PM (CT) Where: Seminary (In-person or Livestream) Cost: Free!
Mid-America Reformed Seminary is excited to welcome Dr. Kevin DeYoung on Thursday, March 13, 2025, for our Spring Student Lectures. He will present on the theme of "Godly Masculinity in the World, Home, and Church." The series of lectures begins at 1:00 pm. The event is free and will be held in our new chapel auditorium (limited seating). Registration is first come, first served. A live stream will also be available on Facebook & YouTube. Register at www.midamerica.edu and secure your seat today!
February 16, 2025
Call to Worship: Revelation 19:6-8a
Silent Prayer & Response #629 “Worthy is Christ”
*Pastor: People of God, from where does your help come?
*Cong: Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
*God’s Greeting
* Hymn: #244 “God Himself Is with Us”
Praise Time (All songs in Praise and Worship Books):
#103 “Yes, Lord, Yes,” #237 “Holy, Holy,” #144 “There is a Redeemer”
Confession of Faith: Belgic Confession, Article 7 (PH, pg. 821)
Confession of Sin: Ecclesiastes 7:20
Prayer of Confession
Assurance of Pardon:
Romans 5:9-11
Guide for Grateful Living: Ephesians 5:19-20
Congregational Prayer
Offerings: 1. General Fund 2. Future Building Fund
*Hymn of Preparation: #267 “And Can It Be”
Prayer of Illumination
Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:1-6 (pg. 1288)
Sermon: To Sardis
Prayer of Application
*Hymn of Response: #613 “Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying”
*Doxology: #638 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Sermon Notes
Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6
Sermon: To Sardis
I. A Dead Church
A. What part of the sermon pattern is missing in this one?
B. Jesus declares that this church looks _____, but is actually _____.
1. What might we think a dead church looks like?
2. A dead church (or Christian) may not ________ look dead.
a. Matthew 23:27: like whitewashed __________.
b. What did the maple tree illustration mean?
3. Take heed that you are not spiritually dead!
II. A Call to Wake Up!
A. This verb also means to keep _________!
1. In what context is it used in Matthew 24?
2. Because we don’t know when Jesus will ________.
3. Why did this command have significance for this city?
B. Other commands:
1. _____________ what remains. What does this mean?
2. _____________ what you have received and heard.
3. __________ it, and ______________.
C. An Impossible Command?
1. Christ holds the seven spirits of God (the ______ ________).
a. The Holy Spirit brings dead things back to ________.
1. For example, ________ and the Valley of Dry Bones.
b. The Holy Spirit can bring life to dead churches/Christians!
III. A Promise of Life
A. _________ With Jesus.
1. Indicates a close intimate ___________________.
2. Where else in Scripture do we see this?
B. _________ White Clothing.
1. Soiled clothes indicate __________________ (Zech. 3).
2. White clothes indicate __________________.
C. _____________ in the Book of Life.
1. Indicates being part of God’s ______________ (Ex. 32).
2. What happens if your name is not found in it?
3. Very secure—nothing can _____________ their name!
D. __________________ By Jesus.
1. Indicates being defended by Jesus in a ________________.
E. All of these promises describe _____________ life!
February 16, 2025
Welcome to worship at Hancock CRC! Today is a day in which we worship the Lord, hear from His Word, and fellowship with His saints. After the service, please join us downstairs for refreshments and fellowship!
GREETING: John-D and Tiffany Muller
Next Sunday: Don and Carol Boon
REFRESHMENTS: John-D and Tiffany Muller
Next Sunday: Don and Carol Boon
USHER: Vern Christie
Next Sunday: Cory Evink
NURSERY: Glenna Ver Steeg
Next Sunday: Brooke Ver Steeg
Today, Sunday, February 16, 10:00 A.M.:
Pastor David will lead the service. Vern and Bernice Christie will lead Praise Time. The special offering will be for the Future Building Fund.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday School (Preschool-1st Grade 2nd-5th Grade)
11:15 A.M.: Catechism (6th-8th Grade 9th-12th Grade)
6:00 P.M.:
Sunday Evening Bible Study. We will be studying Lesson 58: The Church in Europe.
Wednesday, February 19, 6:30-7:00 A.M.:
Weekly prayer meeting at church. All are welcome to join us in prayer!
3:15-5:00 P.M.:
Kid Connection will meet. Our lesson will be “Shipwreck!” from Acts 27. Yvonne Krupke has signed up for snack.
7:00 P.M.: Youth Group will meet.
7:00 P.M.:
Young Women’s Bible Study will meet in the parsonage basement.
Saturday, February 22, 10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.:
Game Day at church. This will be a time of fellowship. Please bring games to play and snacks to eat. Lunch will be provided. Come and go as you please.
Next Sunday, February 23, 10:00 A.M.:
Pastor David will lead the service. Trinity Meinders will make profession of faith. The special offering will be for the SCMC Courage Cottage.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday School (Preschool-1st Grade 2nd-5th Grade)
11:15 A.M.: Catechism (6th-8th Grade 9th-12th Grade)
6:00 P.M.:
Sunday Evening Bible Study. We will be studying Lesson 59: Abraham Kuyper.
Brady Luthi has been having some issues with his kidneys recently. After having some tests done, there is no damage to his kidneys, but they have not been functioning well, and so he had a biopsy done this past week to figure things out. Please pray that God would provide answers, and walk with Randy, Johnnita, and Brady during this time.
Harlan Asche, related to many in our congregation, passed away last week Sunday. Please pray for God’s comfort and peace to be upon his wife Jane, and the whole family.
Please continue to pray for Jim Lonneman, Dak Foss, Dave Evink, Ericka Bolluyt, the Boon Family, the elderly, those with ongoing health issues, and those grieving the loss of loved ones.
February 19: Rose Barthel, Janelle Daberkow
February 20: Preston Feucht, Payton Feuct
February 21: Brian Bolluyt
Upcoming Special Offerings:
March 2 – Church Education
March 9 – Denominational Ministry Shares
March 16 – Maintenance and Repair
March 23 – Benevolent Fund March 30 – Lakeside Cemetary
Schedule for February/March 2025
Monday, February 24, 6:30 P.M.:
Music Committee will meet.
Monday-Tuesday, March 3-4:
Classis Lake Superior Meeting at Bethel CRC in Princeton.
Thursday, March 6, 10:00 A.M.:
Ladies’ Bible Study. We will be studying Lesson 5: The Dishonest Manager, from Luke 16:1-15.
Monday, March 10, 7:00 P.M.:
Worship Committee will meet.
Tuesday, March 11, 7:00 P.M.:
Council will meet. Benjy Ver Steeg will serve refreshments.
Wednesday, March 12, 7:00 P.M.:
Annual Prayer Day Service.
Friday, March 28:
Annual Church Auction. Please contact Emilee Evink or Jenny Ver Steeg if you are willing to help out in any way.
Council Highlights
1. The February Council meeting was held on February 11, 2025.
2. Pastor David gave a report on his work and visits. Council asks that you keep Pastor David and his family in your prayers.
3. The Treasurer’s Report for January was reviewed and approved.
4. Building and Grounds noted that our custodian will be on vacation the last week of February. We are looking for a volunteer to clean the church building that week. If you are interested, please talk to Gary Joos.
5. The Fellowship Committee report was reviewed.
6. Trinity Meinders came before Council to express her desire to become a member of Hancock CRC. She will profess her faith publicly at a worship service in the future.
7. Pastor David led the elders and deacons in office-bearer training, regarding the Responsibilities and Duties of both elders and deacons.
8. Council approved the request of Marlin and Evelyn Baas to transfer their membership to Alexandria Covenant Church.
9. Council prepared the credentials for the upcoming Classis meeting at Bethel CRC in Princeton.
10. The next Council meeting will be held on March 11, 2025.
Valentine’s Supper:
Everyone is invited—married and singles alike—to a Valentine’s Supper at Buddies on February 17, at 6:00pm.
Please sign up in the narthex today if you are interested! Council is now accepting bids for mowing and trimming the parsonage and back church lawn weekly (or as needed), and mowing the ball field as needed. Please talk to Gary Joos for further details if interested.
Have you been heard? Our congregation has a once-in-five-year opportunity to participate in the 2025 CRC denominational survey. This survey helps denominational leadership understand the concerns and needs of local congregations like ours. It is crucial that as many people from our congregation as possible participate. Please visit crcna.org/survey/6340 to answer the survey questions by March 31.
Mid-America Reformed Seminary invites you to participate in a four-part evening class led by Dr. J. Mark Beach, Learning to Believe through Samson: Finding Divine Strength in an Age of Spiritual Weaklings. Together, we’ll explore Judges 13-16, examining how Samson’s story reflects our Christian walk, the challenges the Church faces, and Christ as our source of strength. Register today at www.midamerica.edu When: Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20, and 27, at 7:30 PM (CT) Where: Seminary (In-person or Livestream) Cost: Free!
Mid-America Reformed Seminary is excited to welcome Dr. Kevin DeYoung on Thursday, March 13, 2025, for our Spring Student Lectures. He will present on the theme of "Godly Masculinity in the World, Home, and Church." The series of lectures begins at 1:00 pm. The event is free and will be held in our new chapel auditorium (limited seating). Registration is first come, first served. A live stream will also be available on Facebook & YouTube. Register at www.midamerica.edu and secure your seat today!
February 16, 2025
Call to Worship: Revelation 19:6-8a
Silent Prayer & Response #629 “Worthy is Christ”
*Pastor: People of God, from where does your help come?
*Cong: Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
*God’s Greeting
* Hymn: #244 “God Himself Is with Us”
Praise Time (All songs in Praise and Worship Books):
#103 “Yes, Lord, Yes,” #237 “Holy, Holy,” #144 “There is a Redeemer”
Confession of Faith: Belgic Confession, Article 7 (PH, pg. 821)
Confession of Sin: Ecclesiastes 7:20
Prayer of Confession
Assurance of Pardon:
Romans 5:9-11
Guide for Grateful Living: Ephesians 5:19-20
Congregational Prayer
Offerings: 1. General Fund 2. Future Building Fund
*Hymn of Preparation: #267 “And Can It Be”
Prayer of Illumination
Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:1-6 (pg. 1288)
Sermon: To Sardis
Prayer of Application
*Hymn of Response: #613 “Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying”
*Doxology: #638 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Sermon Notes
Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6
Sermon: To Sardis
I. A Dead Church
A. What part of the sermon pattern is missing in this one?
B. Jesus declares that this church looks _____, but is actually _____.
1. What might we think a dead church looks like?
2. A dead church (or Christian) may not ________ look dead.
a. Matthew 23:27: like whitewashed __________.
b. What did the maple tree illustration mean?
3. Take heed that you are not spiritually dead!
II. A Call to Wake Up!
A. This verb also means to keep _________!
1. In what context is it used in Matthew 24?
2. Because we don’t know when Jesus will ________.
3. Why did this command have significance for this city?
B. Other commands:
1. _____________ what remains. What does this mean?
2. _____________ what you have received and heard.
3. __________ it, and ______________.
C. An Impossible Command?
1. Christ holds the seven spirits of God (the ______ ________).
a. The Holy Spirit brings dead things back to ________.
1. For example, ________ and the Valley of Dry Bones.
b. The Holy Spirit can bring life to dead churches/Christians!
III. A Promise of Life
A. _________ With Jesus.
1. Indicates a close intimate ___________________.
2. Where else in Scripture do we see this?
B. _________ White Clothing.
1. Soiled clothes indicate __________________ (Zech. 3).
2. White clothes indicate __________________.
C. _____________ in the Book of Life.
1. Indicates being part of God’s ______________ (Ex. 32).
2. What happens if your name is not found in it?
3. Very secure—nothing can _____________ their name!
D. __________________ By Jesus.
1. Indicates being defended by Jesus in a ________________.
E. All of these promises describe _____________ life!